Sunday, June 2, 2024

Long Time No See

 Amazingly, I have managed to sneak back into my old "blogger" account, where over a decade ago I posted over 300 entries.  I have no doubt that if I go back to read them, I'll find some that make me feel foolish.  Just for perspective: the last entry I posted mentioned that I had applied for a new job.  Since then I've won the job, done the job, grown in the job, left the job, and gotten a new job--from which I hope to retire in the not-distant future.  The last comment made on one of my posts was by a very good friend whose funeral I attended over three years ago.  And the last political observations I made were decrying a changing set of norms... but predate the absolute evisceration of norms that followed.  Since last I've blogged, I've had all three of my kids grow up, move out, go to college, graduate, and get jobs.  I've added two daughters-in-law and five (yep, FIVE) grandchildren.  I've seen a lot more of life, and sadly, a lot more of death.  It's a strange time capsule, for sure.  I have yet to decide if (or how much) I want to blog again.  We'll see.  For now, it's just neat to get back in.

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