Saturday, December 27, 2008

Resolutions, Part One

I've said it before--I like the new year. Nothing quite gets me revved up like a fresh DayTimer. So it's time to decide what goals get set for 2009. I haven't really got them nailed down yet, but here is my opening bid. Suggestions and input are welcome.

First, running. I ran more this year than last, but still not as much or as often as I would have preferred. I shot for 520 miles (10 per week), and I'm going to wind up with somewhere around 340, which is quite low, historically. I've also run less far per run--barely 3 miles per run. There have been lots of runs of 20 minutes or less this year, as I have been more of a recreational "jogger" than a "runner." I also haven't raced at all. But, there's some good news: I bought the most recent Runner's World yesterday, and a column referred to the number of runners in the USA. Out of 300 million Americans, about 24.2 million (8%) are "core participants" in running--that is, they run 50 or more days per year. Only 16 million (5%) are "frequent runners" with 100 or more days on the road. At least I was one of those. It feels a little better to know that one of my "weak" years is still stronger than almost 95% of the country.

Anyway, for the new year, I want to run MORE, but how much more is the question. More days, more miles, more quality? I'm leaning toward setting a goal of 400 miles and at least one race after I'm in my new (masters!) age group. But that seems a pretty wimpy goal for a guy who averaged 520 for 10 years. I'll mull that one over.

The other one that's itching me is my Bible-reading goal for the year. This year I did not read the Bible through as I have several times in the past. So part of me says I should do that again. However, I'm not super inspired to actually slog through Leviticus and Ezekiel again. I'd like to read The Daily Bible in Chronological Order, but I hate the idea of not getting to the New Testament until October. A good friend told me that I could do the whole New Testament 7 times in the year in the same time it takes to do the Old and New together, so I'm tempted to just do a NT year... but I'm afraid that will become an excuse to read less, skip days, and otherwise be un-disciplined (in a way it's like the running--seems a weak goal for a guy who's done more so many times, even though this year wasn't one of them). A compromise would be to do The One Year Bible again, with a reading from OT, NT, Psalms, and Proverbs every day. But I've used that plan SO many times before. Once again, suggestions from my (few) readers are very welcome.

Regardless of the numbers of miles or chapters logged this year, I know that the biggest thing I want to do is work on consistency in both areas. What plagued me this past year was days skipped of what should have been every-day habits. I've got the time (or at least, I've got the same 168 hours a week everybody does). What I need is to get off my butt and DO THE JOB. If I can do that, the other stuff will fall into place.

In other goal areas, I'm planning to spend more time reading and less time watching junk TV, and I'm flirting with the idea of doing some light weightlifting (nothing intense like Mikey's crossfit, but just a little something to fight off Father Time).


Pete Goode said...

My suggestions-
For running: Don't take my suggestions. I've never run more than 2 miles in my life. I should. But I haven't.

For Bible Reading - I've read the bible thru completely once. That said, I listen to multiple church sermons on a weekly basis (almost daily).

As for setting goals, I truly admire your diligence. As I've said in the past, I would love to attend an extensive study on Time & Life management taught by Coach Sal.

The Hyrum Smith book is in my reading rotation and time power will replace it once I'm finished.

mnpolutta said...

Larry, I read the "standard" One Year Bible in 2007 and the chronological Bible this year. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. With either version, sometimes I feel like I am just reading the Bible to stay on track and not really absorbing it and digging deep. In the past, I've done in-depth studies of one or two books that really drew me closer to God than I feel reading through the Bible has done.

The One Year Bible is nice because, as you mentioned, you get to read the "end of the story" at the same time you read through the years of Israel's rebellion. However, I enjoyed the historical context the chronological version gave it went well with our Ancients study for the school year. It was a bit tough to read through the OT exclusively, especially during the years of the prophets and kings. Also, the version I have does not distribute the reading evenly. Therefore, some days you have a lot to read and other days you may have just a few chapters. All that being said, I plan to read the chronological version again in 2009. Whatever you do, God will use it to accomplish what He wants in your life and you will be blessed.

Happy New Year!


bekster said...

Exactly what is it about running that you like? Is it more about the challenge? Feeling your body move? Being outside? Having the right to call yourself a "runner"? Or what? Maybe deciding on your purpose for running could help you to determine what to do with it.

Also, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't actually do it (my guess is that you prefer actually sitting down with the book), but you could save time by listing to the Bible on tape (or MP3 or whatever) while you run. Just a thought.